Using Focus Assist and Night Light in Windows 11

If you need to concentrate on work or use your PC late at night before you go to bed, there are two really useful features in Windows 11 that can help you, Focus Assist and Night Light.  These are accessed from the Quick Settings panel, which you open by clicking the network and sound icons in the System Tray on the right of the desktop Taskbar.

Focus Assist is a feature that can silence all notifications on the desktop, or silence anything but alarms you have set.  You can click the Focus Assist icon to switch to Priority only or Alarms only modes.

Night Light will remove blue light from your screen after a set time in the evening which can reduce eye strain and help you get to sleep.  You might already use a similar feature on your smartphone.  You can get further control of Night Light in Settings.  Click System then Display followed by Night light to set the intensity of the effect.

You can also schedule the night light to automatically turn on and off at set times of the day, we don’t all go to bed at the same times after all.  Scheduling allows you to specify what times of the day, every day, the Night Light feature switches on and off.

Learn how to find your way around Windows 11, make it easier to use, and how you can get more done with your PC with Mike Halsey’s book “Windows 11 Made Easy“, now on sale from Apress, Amazon, and all good book sellers.