Windows Networking Troubleshooting

Network connections are vital for computing, from static, secure workplace connections, to mobile connections of different types. If something goes wrong however diagnosing and repairing the problem can be a difficult, and complicated process.

This course will teach you all you need to know about troubleshooting networking connections in Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, from understanding the different connection types and protocols in use, to the advanced tools you can use to identify and repair problems.

In this course I’ll detail all the tools you can use, and show you techniques for obtaining the detailed information you require, and help you become faster and more proficient troubleshooting Microsoft Windows. Consider this course a masterclass in becoming a truly expert troubleshooter.

Some of the major topics that we will cover include:

  1. How to identify unknown network hardware, and manage drivers and services
  2. What tools and utilities exist in Windows to help you troubleshoot network problems
  3. How to obtain advanced diagnostic information about your network activity, devices, and settings

Find out more about this course on the Pluralsight website.