Category: how to .do

It can be quite often on a PC when you need access to special characters such as foreign currency symbols, specialist mathematical characters, or common foreign language characters.  Traditionally in Windows you’ve had to open the Character Map app, find the right character, and in the…

Microsoft Whiteboard is a fantastic tool for collaboration and education.  It works like a regular whiteboard, but allows people to interact and collaborate on different devices, and from anywhere over the Internet.  Whiteboard is very simple to use too. In the top right corner is…

If you enjoy gaming on your Windows 10 PC you can get much more from it by opening the Game Bar.  This is accessed by pressing the Windows key + G.  Its functionality includes being able to capture screenshots, video, and broadcasting your gaming live…

With the push towards subscription services such as Office 365 and Microsoft 365, the people who still want to purchase a stand-alone copy of Microsoft Office can sometimes feel left out, and that the product they’ve spent a lot of money on is difficult to…