Author: Mike Halsey

Windows Updates can be annoying, especially if you have a low-bandwidth Internet connection.  Fortunately Windows 10 includes controls to help you manage how you receive updates on your PCs, and from where they come.  Opening Settings and navigating to Update & Security and then Delivery Optimisation is…

If you enjoy gaming on your Windows 10 PC you can get much more from it by opening the Game Bar.  This is accessed by pressing the Windows key + G.  Its functionality includes being able to capture screenshots, video, and broadcasting your gaming live…

Tech support scams are on the rise, especially ones conducted over the telephone.  These scams are incredibly complex and use genuine call-centre staff who don’t realise that they’re being used by criminal gangs to scam money out of unsuspecting victims. There are several ways that…

Mike Halsey has many years experience in providing IT Support, and in helping other people to become more effective tech professionals.  This book helps you achieve that goal by learning how to provide the most useful IT support for your users. You’ll learn how to…