Written – August 2022 When I chose the name windows.do for this website, I wanted to .do something very different with the identity of the site. Knowing that the word do sat right in the middle of the word windows, I thought it would be great…
Author: Mike Halsey
Your smart speaker is listening to you. Don’t just take my word for it as there have been hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines, and on websites, detailing how they are listening to, and even recording everyday conversations in your home, and how they’ve…
What PC and phone do you use? Do you have a Windows PC, an Android smartphone and Google Chromebook, or an iPhone and a MacBook? When was the last time you changed from one to another and if not, why haven’t you? This is one…
Written – July 2022 Where do you get your news? If you get it from television or a newspaper it’s very likely going to be just a single source. Some people like to watch the BBC, or Sky. Other people watch CNN or their local…
Written – July 2022 I learned a lot about Climate Change when I was writing The Green IT Guide (Apress, 2022) and it was very helpful in a way that at the time I was writing the book, the COP 26 climate summit was taking…
Sometimes you want to switch from using one web browser to another, perhaps you have received a new PC, or maybe you’ve just changed your mind or heard stories about your current web browser that you don’t like. Fortunately, all the major browser makers make…