Author: Mike Halsey

Everybody encounters bugs and problems on their PCs from time to time, but did you know that Windows 10 comes with a special feature that allows you report problems, and text translation issues to Microsoft, as well as suggest improvements and new features?  In the…

If you do a lot of scripting in Windows, either through the Command Prompt, Powershell, or are using Azure Cloud Shell, or Windows Subsystem for Linux, then you might be interested in Windows Terminal.  This is a Microsoft Store app available for Windows 10 that can…

If you difficulty reading what’s on your PC’s screen, you can enlarge everything by activating the Magnifier.  You can find this in Settings or by pressing Windows key + Ctrl + M.  Here you can control the standard magnification level from 200% all the way up to…

If you use Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, you can create Virtual Machines (VM) that will run on your desktop.  These can run test or evaluation environments for a variety of operating systems, including Windows and Linux.  These VMs run in Hyper-V which you can…

If you experience problems on your PC, you can get useful and easy to understand information about crashes and errors from the Reliability Monitor.  To open this, search for reliability in the Start Menu.  This displays a graph showing different days, and events on your PC over…

It can be quite often on a PC when you need access to special characters such as foreign currency symbols, specialist mathematical characters, or common foreign language characters.  Traditionally in Windows you’ve had to open the Character Map app, find the right character, and in the…

As Windows 7 finally ends all support I looked back at the book that started it all, my self-published Windows 7 Power Users Guide.  I had previously written a 68 page Power Users Guide for Windows Vista which the new media editor at Windows Vista:…