Tag: gemini

Written: May 2022 For those of you who read my website blog regularly, you will know that since my late teens and early twenties, I have been a huge fan of handheld computing.  I have my own personal computer museum in my home office that’s…

Written – February 2022 Have you ever wondered why almost every mobile device in the world is a smartphone, and why smartphones are so popular?  It’s not actually because this is what people want, or because they’re the best mobile form-factor for people to use. …

Last Updated: April 2022 One of the most fortunate things about my move to France, is that it’s given me the chance both to design myself a new office that’s outside of the house, and I’ve placed it in my gîte (outhouse) with a desk…

Last Updated: January 2024 I got my first computer in 1981 at the tender age of 11.  In fact I wanted a colouring book, I had no idea what a computer was, but within a few days I was completely hooked and never looked back. …

My 18th book is the official user guide for the amazing Gemini PDA, from Planet Computers.  The Gemini PDA is the spiritual successor to the legendary Psion Series 5 PDA.  Running Android, and able to triple-boot with different Linux distros, and Sailfish OS, the Gemini…

Last Updated: January 2024 Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio Purchased to replace both my Surface Laptop 2 and my Surface Pro 7 and to use in my house where I do not have a desktop PC (my desktop resides in my gîte, which is an outhouse…