Author: Mike Halsey

Written – April 2022 How many times in the last decade have you cracked or smashed the screen on your smartphone, or perhaps dropped your laptop and broken it?  I remember a time a few years ago when a friend went on a fairground ride…

If you have more than one disk in your PC you might choose to use it to keep your files and documents stored away from your Windows installation.  This can help in the, fortunately very rare case there’s a problem requiring Windows to be reinstalled. …

Written – March 2022 Recently I’ve been getting quite het up and angry about a few YouTubers that I’ve been following happily for the last few years.  The reason being that they keep repeating the same, what I shall call a mistake, over and over,…

You might have heard about the Windows Insider Programme, but what is it and is it something that might interest you?  The short version is that the Windows Insider Programme is a beta (pre-release) programme for future versions of Windows 11.  It gives people a…

Become part of the solution to climate change and learn how you can reduce the carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of your IT systems. Learn how to ensure new equipment is as power efficient, sustainable, and repairable as possible. Uncover the sustainability policies of…